Sunday, December 27, 2009

Catching up

So I haven't blogged like I said I would. I have been very busy. Josh and I moved to Holladay where we nanny 3 boys in exchange for a basement apartment. I am still working at the elementary school as the music specialist, and enjoy it very much!

Josh and I just spent Christmas with my family, who all now live in Nauvoo, Illinois. I love being out here again! My sister Anne got her mission call to the Provo Mission where she will be serving in the St. George Temple Visitor's Center, among other parts of the mission. So she is going through the temple to receive her endowment while we are here for vacation. I know it will be a sweet experience.

I am loving seeing my niece and nephew again too. Don and Sarah are doing well, and their kids are just adorable.

I recently got called to be the Primary chorister in my new ward, which I know I will enjoy very much! I love my Primary Presidency, and my new ward is the most friendly ward I have EVER been in (and that is saying something as I have lived so many places). I know that our stay there will be wonderful!

Still trying to figure out how to deal with Josh's knee problems. The doctors will not replace them because of his age,m even though he needs it. But I have faith that the Lord will provide a way for it to happen. We just have to figure out what our part will be.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Well, I haven't posted for a while. My Father passed away on April 25th, due to complications from the cancer treatment he was on. He developed blood clots, and they went to his lungs. The doctors did all they could. The funeral was in Phoenix Arizona as that is where most of our family is.

I am working through it as best I can and trying to stay positive.

My job at Liberty Elementary just ended for the summer, and hopefully I will get back on next year, if the budget cuts aren't too severe. I have lost over 60 lbs now, and am feeling more healthy than I have for a long time. I am going to try to keep this blog updated better from now on.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

News and fun in Provo

Well, my parents met with the radiologist to learn the preliminary results from his MRI, and it is not good. The cancer has spread and has attached to his adrenal gland, lung, and possibly lymphnode. The appointment with the oncologist will tell us about treatments or how much time he has left.

On a lighter note, I went to Provo today and helped Mom organize some stuff. In the process I found my wedding dress that they are storing for me. I tried it on and IT FITS AGAIN!!!! YAY!!! I am going to have to post a picture on facebook. That gave me a nice boost to my self-esteem. I am looking forward to the day when it will be too big!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just another day

So I am here at work blogging because there is a dance assembly and I am bored. Hopefully this will turn into something at least half interesting. I have been playing the Weird Al song "Ebay" for the kids this week and they love it! It's so much fun to tell them that some classical composers would take another composers piece of music and rewrite it as a sign of respect, then after I tell them that I start the cd so they expect a dusty old composer. It makes me laugh when they realize that it is a parody of a backstreet boys song!

So Josh and I were trying to do our taxes last night and didn't have much success. We are having to itemize because of all the lessons and ebay selling I did last year. Most likely I am going to be going down to Provo tomorrow to have my Dad help us. Josh has to work tomorrow, so I may as well see my family instead of sit at home alone.

Dad had his MRI yesterday, and we will find out if the cancer is still there next week. Keep him in your prayers, we need all the faith we can get. But on a lighter note he has decided that no matter what the results are that he wants to go to disneyland. So we are going around the 16th of march. I am VERY excited!!! I am such a kid when it comes to disneyland!

Well, I think I am about out of ideas for today, so I hope everyone has a great day!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Well, I think I am at the last stage of this awful stuff. Now instead of coughing my brains out, I am just weak and tired. I can live with that.

I just made a playlist (if you haven't already noticed). And I changed my background. I like to redecorate a lot so sorry if it bugs anyone.

I am imagining that it is the middle of summer. I REALLY HATE BEING COLD!!!
I know I can't really do anything about that but be patient. Not one of my strong points. I was lying in bed the other morning and it was really warm because we had turned up our heat due to me being sick. I laid there just wishing that when I looked out the window that everything would be green and sunny. Well wishing without a star never does any good, so you all know how that turned out. I just miss the light and warmth and birds, and outdoor activities. I suppose it just makes me more grateful for summer when it is here.

Why is it that nothing fun comes in the mail? All that ever comes is bills and junk. I do get the occasional invite, but no other fun stuff like cards, money, letters etc. Bills are lame and I hardly even skim the junk. I swear that just by not sending me junk mail there would be a whole tree a week that didn't need to be cut down. LOL!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well, here I am at home again because I just cannot shake this bronchitis. I was up half the night coughing. LAME!!

I drove Josh to work this morning, because his car is still on the fritz and I need to go get some food for us today. So I'll be picking him up from work and taking him to his classes tonight too. I have no idea what is wrong with his car, but oh well, we'll figure it out eventually.

I listed one of the dresses I made on ebay last night. I tried it on so that we could take a picture, and it just looked AWFUL on me. That size used to look nice and proportioned, but I suppose clothes just don't fit as well when you lose 40lbs. LOL! So I just had to lay the dress on the bed to take pictures. I hope someone wants to buy it because I need a new serger, and the cheapest one that I can find new is $175. Ouch. I know. But I will do a lot more selling if I have one.

Well, that is the uniteresting life of Marie today.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Can't Sleep

Well, I've been up for about an hour now and can't sleep. I'm pretty sure I have bronchitis. So I thought I would use this time to catch up on what I've been doing lately.

This week hasn't been a ton of fun, mostly work and housework, and errands and sleep. Though Josh and I splurged and had steak the other night. Unfortunately our apartment is not conducive to cooking steak. With the smoke detector and CO2 monitor going off a couple of times the smoke was great fun. Blech! Well, at least it was an adventure.

Also on Monday, there was a rumor going around the 6th grade that I had quit. I was quite surprised an reassured them that there was no chance of me quitting. Though I did quit my other job. My last day there was Thursday. I am going to miss the kids, but this will give me more time for visiting family, and taking care of my home.

I am still giving private voice and flute lessons, and have recently started 2 new students. They are both at a beginning level, and I am almost starting form scratch with one of them. I love teaching from home.

I have a baby shower to go to today for my good friend Tammy. I made a quilt for her baby girl. It is mostly pink (of course) with yellow and purple too.

Well, That was pretty much my week, and now we get to go down to Provo this afternoon for Anne's birthday!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, here is a little about me.
I am studying music and elementary ed in college, and am teaching music classes at an elementary school, so why am I getting a degree again? LOL! I have been married for a little over 2 years, and LOVING it!. We don't have any children yet, but are most definitely wanting them whenever they come. Not sure what else to put today, maybe I'll have more ideas tomorrow. :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hi, this is my first post, just testing things out.