Saturday, January 31, 2009

Can't Sleep

Well, I've been up for about an hour now and can't sleep. I'm pretty sure I have bronchitis. So I thought I would use this time to catch up on what I've been doing lately.

This week hasn't been a ton of fun, mostly work and housework, and errands and sleep. Though Josh and I splurged and had steak the other night. Unfortunately our apartment is not conducive to cooking steak. With the smoke detector and CO2 monitor going off a couple of times the smoke was great fun. Blech! Well, at least it was an adventure.

Also on Monday, there was a rumor going around the 6th grade that I had quit. I was quite surprised an reassured them that there was no chance of me quitting. Though I did quit my other job. My last day there was Thursday. I am going to miss the kids, but this will give me more time for visiting family, and taking care of my home.

I am still giving private voice and flute lessons, and have recently started 2 new students. They are both at a beginning level, and I am almost starting form scratch with one of them. I love teaching from home.

I have a baby shower to go to today for my good friend Tammy. I made a quilt for her baby girl. It is mostly pink (of course) with yellow and purple too.

Well, That was pretty much my week, and now we get to go down to Provo this afternoon for Anne's birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you couldn't sleep and about the smoke! I'm glad you go to come down yesterday. It was a blast!
