Sunday, December 27, 2009

Catching up

So I haven't blogged like I said I would. I have been very busy. Josh and I moved to Holladay where we nanny 3 boys in exchange for a basement apartment. I am still working at the elementary school as the music specialist, and enjoy it very much!

Josh and I just spent Christmas with my family, who all now live in Nauvoo, Illinois. I love being out here again! My sister Anne got her mission call to the Provo Mission where she will be serving in the St. George Temple Visitor's Center, among other parts of the mission. So she is going through the temple to receive her endowment while we are here for vacation. I know it will be a sweet experience.

I am loving seeing my niece and nephew again too. Don and Sarah are doing well, and their kids are just adorable.

I recently got called to be the Primary chorister in my new ward, which I know I will enjoy very much! I love my Primary Presidency, and my new ward is the most friendly ward I have EVER been in (and that is saying something as I have lived so many places). I know that our stay there will be wonderful!

Still trying to figure out how to deal with Josh's knee problems. The doctors will not replace them because of his age,m even though he needs it. But I have faith that the Lord will provide a way for it to happen. We just have to figure out what our part will be.